Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can Tennis Elbow Surgery Help You?

When is tennis elbow surgery should go?

Are you the unbearable pain in the elbow every time experience when you touch it or move it? Well, this could be through a so-called as "tennis elbow", the small cracks occur in the tendon due to muscle development and rubbers. The condition is more common among tennis players but others can also. While the condition can usually be through proper exercise, medication and treated and / or the use of brackets, elbowsSupporting and strengthening the elbow, tennis elbow surgery is sometimes the only choice in stubborn cases of tennis elbow.

In most cases, the body can heal on its own and everything you need to do is rest the elbow by removing aggravating activities from your routine for some time to allow for this natural body healing. Nevertheless, in severe cases of tennis elbow remains pain for several months, requiring rapid relief. A tennis elbow surgery is then recommended to obtain quicklyRelief from excruciating pain and discomfort.

Some of the most common treatments for tennis elbow or lateral epicondylitis include:

Trim abnormal tendon 3-4 cm

Release tendon from the bone


Since tennis elbow surgery is usually a treatment option of last resort, doctors use other treatment options counseling before the operation. Over-the-counter medications and icing the affected area are just some of the most fundamentalMeasures to control pain at the elbow. Because of the inherent risks associated with an invasive procedure, doctors recommend surgery only if the patient has pain, a level that interferes with the routine his life. As such, the operation is not until a patient has undergone conservative treatment tested for a period of at least 6 months. To alleviate cortisone injections are also administered to the elbow pain. If the pain does not subside, despite all these efforts, the operation will be considered.

Types of TennisElbow Surgery

If all criteria are met for the operation, doctors may consider one of the two forms of lateral epicondylitis invasive surgery to treat tennis elbow. The first invasive surgery is performed to create a long 3 to 4 cm incision in the arm. During surgery to trim the tendon sheaths and the incision was closed thereafter. On the other hand, the second type of invasive surgery is performed to cut open his arm and then the tendon from the bone with a scalpel.Since both types of invasive surgery is an outpatient basis, is a patient allowed home the same day after surgery with the operating arm will put in a noose.

The arm can be wrapped in a plaster cast, depending on the extent of surgery and medical evaluation. It is important to keep the arm elevated to reduce swelling. The arm should also be dry and clean to maintain the hygiene. In addition, moisture in the early stages of tennis elbowSurgery can weaken the scar tissue of the body and should be avoided at all costs. For best operating results, it is important to follow the advice of your physician and advise him / her up immediately if the pain is worse.

Like any other invasive surgery, tennis elbow surgery has some risk associated with it. These include:



Nerve damage

May face some difficulties duringSet up or extending the arm

A painful and / or an ugly scar on the skin surface

The continuing weakness of arm and / or wrist

In addition, there is always a chance that the treatment does not improve the situation at all or aggravate the elbow pain. Normally it takes about three to four weeks to see if the tennis elbow surgery actually helped in the treatment of the problem. Sutures are generally removed after almost ten to fourteen days after surgeryand patients are banned from driving for about a week.

For those who may fear the invasive type of surgery ossatripsy, a non-invasive option. Chronic tennis elbow patients were treated effectively using this method.

Surgery recovery

The term of recovery varies from patient to patient even though most patients are able to be incorporated into a normal life in about three to six weeks again. However, you must remember that tendons take some time to heal completely, althoughYou can not feel pain. You Submiting your elbows, strong forces can delay the healing process and even lead to permanent damage. Any activity that can solve the problem, should be for a period of 12 weeks or more to avoid. To get permanent relief from tennis elbow to your doctor may prescribe simple exercises that can be easily done at home or work.

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